Not only are we fortunate to have so much support, it is so amazing to see all the personal touches each of these contributions add to our Big Day! It just wouldn't be the same, or "us", if we fit the wedding industry mold!
One thing that we recently got squared away is our delicious cakes. My lovely and amazing cook Aunt offered to make the cake, and even though I have never been a cake person (I know, shame on me... but you can count on me doubling-up on the ice cream...), I loved the flavors that she put together for us! I suggested lemon, to go with the country, summer evening... and she ran with the idea. We will have vanilla cake with lemon curd layers and a lightly lemon-flavored icing! Yum!
Here's the original inspiration...

Things evolve, and our cake is no exception. Here's a sneak peek at my Aunt's version (which draws details from my dress... so cool!)

Add a few ivory roses, and there you go!
Instead of precarioiusly stacking layer upon layer, we decided to set cakes up on varying layers of pedestals. Plus, each pedestal is a glass vase, that we are going to fill with lemons (and any leftover roses). It's going to be so spectacular!
Sort of like this, only with cakes instead of candles...

Finally, I found a cake topper I couldn't resist! I mean, the bride has strawberry-blonde hair. And the groom is so helpful. It's totally US!

Don't you just love it when things start to come together? :)